domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010

First Steps

The crucial importance
of the first steps

As we all know, Music is not really one of the conventional categories of language study we are required to work with according to the curriculum (grammar, vocabulary, language skills, sociocultural aspects, etc), but it can be the content matter of any of these categories and we can focus on any, or many, of these areas when using songs (with a little adaptation - perhaps).

The key isue, in my opinion, is the very beginning of the whole process. In other words, we cannot take for granted the crucial importance of the very first step: The selection of the music/song.

To begin with, let us just reflect on that. We have to pay special attention when we decide on material which satisfies the interests and needs of your students and yourself (as a teacher), decide which methods of exploitation seem most relevant, and provide/adapt activities or tasks that fit your teaching situation.

The selection of the most appropriate song can be time-consuming, but -without any doubt- it will be worthwhile.
                                                                  ... Don't you think so? 

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